
About Me

I’m Tahira Mitchell, Life Healing Coach, and I’m so glad you’re here!

My career in private life healing coaching began with my own upbringing, and was shaped by eighteen years in social work and marriage and family therapy. I’m going to be real with you: I’ve experienced stinging emotional pains, and like anyone who had come through such times, my life was led by anxiety and damaged self-worth.

On a mission to make life better for others, I began my career as a marriage and family therapist in private practice and schools, working with families, individuals, couples, and kids from kindergarten through high school. The lessons learned through this season of my career, combined with my own upbringing to form my approach to healing through a focus on parental patterns.

After completing over thousands hours of clinical work, I knew that it was time to continue my evolution. I knew that there were millions of adults out in the world, doing their best to live happy lives with a wounded child buried inside; and I knew that I could help.

In order to get clarity and direction, I began working with a spiritual life coach. Through our deep dive into my patterns and passions, I gained the confidence to pursue and hold a Master of Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) degree. In addition to the tools and perspectives gained through my education, I bring my own Tahira-ness: my intuitive gifts, my willingness to sit beside my clients and hold their hands while they cry, and my willingness to be vulnerable and share my own story.

I live with my husband, our two sons and dog Bailey in beautiful Orange County, California. We love to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather while we cruise farmer’s markets, enjoy football games, or search for hidden treasures in vintage stores. Above all, we love to spend time with friends, growing relationships that nurture and support the best in each of us.

I have come through difficult times. I have experienced personal evolution through perseverance and a commitment to inner work. I changed my life and I know that you can, too. I’m here to support your journey into your best self.

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