
Time for change

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So Ask Yourself This:

  • Are you ready to invest time and resources into co-creating a healed future?
  • Are you ready to value yourself, or ready to learn how to value yourself at last?
  • Are you ready to cut the crap and make real change happen?

Schedule your 60-minute exploration session here.

Hello Sweetheart

Something in your life isn’t working, is it?

  • Unhealthy, even traumatic family/parent background
  • Mysterious blocks to the life you want
  • Unhealthy relationship patterns and lack of trust with parents, partners, friends, and even yourself
  • Spiritual longing, but a troubled relationship with your higher power
  • Undue influence by a parent or parents who still have a strong impact over your life. Probably too much, if you’re being honest.
  • Situations that lead you to sacrifice your own happiness for the good of the relationship, parent or family.
  • Unbalanced emotions – buried for too long, then explode, or triggered easily, quickly, and be difficult or impossible to manage in a healthy way

I understand. I’ve been there.

And let me tell you something – with all you’ve come through, you’re doing an amazing job.

But you’re right – it could be better. You deserve better. We all need a little help now and then, and that’s why, through a series of choices and chances, you’ve made your way here, to this moment.

But let’s get one thing clear:

Our partnership will be a co-creation. I am not here to fix you, or do your internal work for you. That approach disempowers you – and I am here to empower you.

I will bring healing to you, I will walk alongside you, offering guidance and insight, opening doors and shining a light so that you can heal and evolve yourself.

I am prepared with extensive education and training, and deep wisdom earned through my own challenging journey, to guide you through a period of powerful evolution.

Are you shackled to
unhealthy parental patterns
that you’re unaware of?

Take the quiz to find out!

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    Schedule Your Free Consultation Now!

    What People Are Saying

    I felt overwhelmed by life; emotionally fragile with moments of hopelessness. After working with Tahira, I feel emotionally stable and much more in tune with my intuition. Also, when I start feeling bothered, I now have tools to address that particular emotion instead of suppressing it like I did in the past causing me to explode at some point. I finally feel in control of my life. Yes, I would and I have recommended Tahira to many of my friends and family. I believe if any individual is willing to put in the work that Tahira’s coaching program requires, they will see long-term and life changing results. The combination of Tahira’s kind heart, humor, intelligence and no B.S. attitude will serve to genuinely transform all who are given the opportunity to work with her.

    Tara N.

    Wife and Mother

    Tahira I have appreciated you. From our first conversation your glow about you seemed to be very peaceful. Your smile lit me up, as if you knew my day needed a little more sunshine. When I doubted myself you left me feeling as if ‘I got this’, ‘I can do this’, ‘I felt worthy’. Your tone and knowledge of my situations left me feeling worthy of being ‘here’; especially when I felt as if the world had abandoned me. Tahira your nurturing poise has helped me trust again, gave me confidence to build this backbone I knew was there, and you were the first to jump in to support my dream with the launching my business IT’S MYNE. You’ve not only helped build my business, you’ve encouraged me to fight for my life. Your passion is that of a disciple. It’s a beautiful thing. I love you. God knew who to pick for me during those times of need. I’m so blessed it was you. Thank you!

    Lora 'Lu' Davis

    Owner & Chocolatier

    My biggest take away after working with Tahira was to trust myself and believe that there is hope even in the darkest of times. I also learned how to love myself even when I didn’t like myself. Before working with Tahira I was in a very dark place; I felt hopeless, sad, and alone. After working with Tahira I felt hopeful, determined, and optimistic. I feel like that after working with her I gave myself the permission to and let go of any guilt I had about taking care of me. I would absolutely recommend Tahira to others because I feel she has a passion for her clients that can’t be taught. She’s changed my life and I know she can change others who want to change as well.



    Every session I learned something new about myself, my past and how it was impacting my future. Tahira taught me how to see myself in a new way, she taught me to believe in myself, regardless of what others think of me. Another important thing I learned from working with Tahira was to understand what triggers my anxiety and to learn how to control it. Before working with Tahira I felt anxious all the time.I felt depressed, sad, worried. I had a low self esteem and it was hard to feel happy! Working with Tahira was the best thing that’s ever happened to me!! After working with her my anxiety and depression has decreased tremendously. I’ve learned to value who I am and what I have to offer.

    Cynthia Aranda

    Mom and Entrepreneur

    Tahira Mitchell has been a loyal friend and life coach to me for several years. Her calm and loving approach has helped me through the various personal and professional hurdles that have come my way. She is extremely intuitive, caring, and present, and is always non-judgmental. I have cherished my relationship with Tahira over the years and I will always be grateful for the help she has offered me. – Stephanie Turner, Hollywood Actress and Producer.

    Stephanie Turner

    Hollywood Actress and Producer


    Treat Yourself.