Confidence is Like a Seed, Here’s How to Grow It

Where does confidence come from? It comes from the belief that you are capable, that you are enough, that you are worthy of love and success. Often, these belief structures are given to you as a child, but when they aren’t you need to take confidence matters into your own hands. 

It’s important to view confidence as something that isn’t stagnant, in fact it is quite the opposite. Confidence is something that you can grow. Just because you look in the mirror today and rip on yourself and believe you’ll never live the life you want, doesn’t mean that tomorrow you’ll feel the same way. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck in the trap that just because you lack confidence now means you won’t attain it in the future.

Embrace the changeability of confidence and open yourself to the possibility that one day you might look in the mirror and fully love the person looking back. 

When Nourishing a Seed, Environment Matters

You don’t plant a seed in a bowl of soot and expect it to grow. So why do you allow people into your life who don’t want you to flourish? If you allow the company you keep to hold you down, to make you believe that you’re not good enough, those whose focus is always the negative, then you’re expecting the seed of your confidence to grow from ashes. 

Make a gentle commitment to yourself that you’ll only allow people into your life who inspire you, encourage you and support you wholeheartedly. You’ll be giving the seed of your confidence healthy soil to grow from. 

If you find yourself in an environment where you’re forced to pretend, that’s not healthy either. You need to own your self-worth and know that you have every right to take up space on this planet exactly as you are. 

You’ve got to say no to the things that don’t honor you. No to the things that don’t bring you joy. And you don’t have to explain your no.” – Iyanla Vanzant 

The Right Fertilizer: Intention and Belief 

Belief and intention are the fertilizer for confidence to truly blossom. You need to transform your beliefs about yourself and to do that takes pushing beyond your comfort zone. 

Because it’s uncomfortable to be kind to yourself. You’ve gotten used to telling your beautiful being that you’re not good enough. This is a habit that you need to break if you ever want to feel confident. It takes work to forge a new path, especially when there’s a well worn one right next to you. 

It’s time to get comfortable watching your thoughts and when those limiting beliefs come up, the thoughts that make you shrink in sadness and defeat, that’s when you need to gently remind yourself that NO, I am beautiful, I am worthy of love, I am intelligent… whatever it is. 

If this is really challenging for you because you truly don’t believe those things at all, then I encourage you to insert into those statements, I am in the process of becoming beautiful, successful, loving etc. 

You have the innate power and ability to rewrite your own belief structures. No matter what your upbringing was, no matter what abuse you’ve suffered or are currently suffering. You have the power to transform and everything that’s happened is for your own personal evolution. 

Set the intention to change your belief structure and with time you will. It’s like anything, new habits take effort and they take time to become fully integrated. But with the power of intention you can catapult your way towards these beliefs much faster. 

Set the intention to be kind to yourself, to treat yourself in the same way that you would treat a small child or your best friend. Transformation doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen, darling. 

Let Your Inner Love Shine the Light of Growth 

The sunshine of your love is the most important part of growing the seed of confidence within you. This beautiful all encompassing light is the whole reason you’re walking this path of personal growth. Even though it’s hard, you love yourself enough to say yes to growing that love. 

With inner love comes a compassion for yourself and for others. The mistakes you’ve made don’t make you a bad person. Your past doesn’t need to haunt you for the rest of your life. You can grant yourself permission to stop the constant inner punishment and turmoil that plagues you so much. Let it all go

The more love you can cultivate for yourself, the more you can naturally grow your confidence from the inside out. So often people try to artificially gain confidence, they get plastic surgery, buy really expensive shoes, get a fast new car…and all of those things can be great! But they can also be distractions from addressing the root of the issue. 

Practice these things and you will gain confidence over time. The type of calm confidence that oozes mystery, the makes people wonder where you got that magic. It’s the stuff that comes from grit and determination, because it wasn’t given to you as a child. And in the past you may have seen that as a weakness, but when you grow in confidence you can start to see it as a strength, because that’s what it truly is my dear. 

Are you ready to elevate your confidence and amplify the natural radiance that already exists within you?

I’d love to help you do just that with powerful healing strategies to encourage your growth and expansion. Click here to see how we can work together. 

Get your Guide to Emotions: Secret Weapons that Heal and Discover 6 Steps for Achieving Emotional Freedom. 

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