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Confidence is Like a Seed, Here’s How to Grow It

Where does confidence come from? It comes from the belief that you are capable, that you are enough, that you are worthy of love and success. Often, these belief structures are given to you as a child, but when they aren’t you need to take confidence matters into your own hands.  It’s important to view confidence as something that isn’t stagnant, in fact it is quite the opposite. Confidence is something that you can grow.…
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How to Find Forgiveness From a Messy Childhood

generic softtabs levitra company website To find healing from a painful childhood is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. When the world shows you its shadow side as a young child it’s not like you can effortlessly let that go. In fact, for many people, it becomes integrated with their very identity and that victimhood shows up in the strangest of places, like your intimate relationships or relationships with your own…
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6 Ways Self-Care Can Change Your Life

Do you live with a perpetual laundry list of SHOULDS? You know the list: – I SHOULD take my kids to a museum every weekend. – I SHOULD visit my aging mother at least twice a week. – I SHOULD clean out the garage, bathe the dogs, do my daughter’s hair, clean the microwave, take Jimmy to soccer practice, pick up my husband’s dry-cleaning, bake cupcakes for Susie’s Easter party… PHEW! SHOULDS are exhausting. You…
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What Jealousy and Envy Reveal About Your Needs

Jealousy and envy. They’re real. They show up in sneaky ways. Sometimes, before you realize it they’ve made their home in your belly, and you feel awful that you could be so jealous or envious. Your life is great after all — right? But what is jealousy? By definition: JEALOUSY is “mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc.” It’s an unhappy or angry feeling caused by the belief that someone you love…
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