Work With Me

Work with Me

A Parental Systems Approach

Kids crave basic experiences of love, affection, and validation from their parents. There are many reasons that these basic needs are not met. When they go unmet, kids will begin to excuse their parents, take the blame on themselves, and learn to deny their own emotions and needs in an attempt to cope. These patterns continue into adulthood resulting in repeating patterns of dysfunctional relationships, low self-esteem, and a dissatisfying life.

My clients come to this work shackled to unhealthy patterns of their parental system. My unique approach addresses these needs and patterns, bringing healing, forgiveness, and freedom. Together, we break that shackle, no longer stumbling through life with a burdened limp, but leaping into the future with clear life purpose and freedom.


  • With a clear understanding of the dysfunctional patterns that got you to this point, and how to end them once and for all
  • With confidence in your value
  • Truly loving yourself
  • With the ability to set and maintain meaningful boundaries
  • With the ability to develop and nurture healthy relationships, releasing those that don’t support your highest good
  • Liberated from emotional triggers
  • Feeling in control of your life and emotions
  • Ready and able to create the life purpose you desire and deserve

How do I begin?

Our work together begins with a complimentary 25 minute consultation. This will be a deep dive session that will reveal the heart of our focus. You will leave the call with a strong sense of our working relationship and early revelations that will fuel your first steps.

Following the initial consultation session, you will be invited into a healing partnership which will include three options to choose from. Here’s what you get:

  • One session per week, up to 90 minutes
  • Skillfully designed assessments at the beginning and end of our journey together, and throughout to measure progress
  • Text, email and/or phone access in between sessions during business hours (Option One only)
  • Weekly self-exploration assignments to support your healing journey
  • No long-term packages or commitments. In my experience, clients begin to see noticeable changes after option one regular sessions within an average of six to eight weeks.

All options include weekly homework and assessment tools.

Option One:
One session per week $250 for one hour and a half with email, text and mini sessions in between sessions to deal with triggers head on.

Option Two: One session per week $150 for one hour.

Option Three:
A session every two weeks for an hour each. Essentially meeting twice a month $150hr.

Let's Get Started

There's No Time To Waste


  • Are you ready to invest time and resources into co-creating a healed future?
  • Are you ready to value yourself, or ready to learn how to value yourself at last?