Emotions: Secret Weapons That Heal | 6 steps for achieving emotional freedom by Tahira Mitchell (DOWNLOAD)




Emotions: Secret Weapons That Heal

6 steps for achieving emotional freedom

by Tahira Mitchell

On the outside, you have it all together.

On the inside, you’re an emotional wreck.

At least that’s what it’s felt like lately. Life used to be more balanced. Easier.

But lately, your emotions feel like a mess of ups and downs tumbling about in your gut like a washing machine on the SPIN CYCLE.

You can’t wait for that BUZZER to sound because something has to end this torture!

You’ve probably asked yourself this more than once:

Why can’t I just control my emotions? Why are my emotions controlling me?

Your workplace concentrations suddenly knocked out by your anger.

Date night with the hubby is put on pause while you have a quick cry.

Your best friend’s late AGAIN, and you feel much more annoyed than you should.

You’ve been living with the confusion of your emotions for so long now. Crippling emotions. Emotions that seem to drown out your joy like a tidal wave.

But what if… your emotions were actually your SECRET WEAPONS to happiness?

What if… sitting with your emotions were the KEY TO unlocking BALANCE?

What if… finding the root of your emotional distress could EMPOWER you?

I’m Tahira Mitchell, life healing coach. 

I’m also a very normal human being, just like you, who knows what {emotional distress feels like}. But thanks to my journey I also know how incredible it feels to finally MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS. Visit my ABOUT ME page! 

When you master your emotions:

You become best friends with yourself.

Your self-esteem and confidence shoot through the roof.

Your life is filled with more happiness and joy.

You feel free again.

Emotional healing = emotional freedom.

I want YOU to experience emotional freedom. I want to press the OFF button on that SPIN CYCLE swirling in your gut.

That’s why I’ve created an easy-to-follow, 6-step guide that will:

Help you build awareness around your emotions.

Help you find the ROOT of your emotional discomfort.

Help you understand your emotions.

Help you connect the emotion to its origin.

AND help you find lasting happiness and balance in your life.

{Emotions: Secret Weapons That Heal 6 steps for achieving emotional freedom}

This e-guide is my gratitude to you for taking a HUGE step toward seizing emotional freedom.

What are you waiting for?

Let’s master these emotions together!



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