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When Emotions Strike Back

Emotions are tricky. They’re our most valuable asset, but without the proper tools to heal them they can also become incredibly confusing pains in our bodies. You know what’s even trickier? Emotions can lay dormant in our bodies for years, decades even! Someone or something (a person or event) may have hurt us when we were children, but without the ability to process that emotion we suppress the hurt we feel. We store the pain…
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8 tips for pumping up your self esteem
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8 Tips for Pumping Up Your Self-Esteem

Your self-esteem is a muscle. Yes, you read that right. Just like those biceps and triceps, your self-esteem needs a daily workout; Everyday practices that help PUMP YOU UP! Over the years, you may have struggled with this muscle. Lord knows I have! Most especially as women, our self-esteems get a real beating. It gets fed all the wrong nutrition: media that criticizes our bodies, overbearing relatives that remind us we’re not enough, “failures” that…
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